Effective advertising is always based on an in-depth analysis of the interests, pains and basic needs of your customers. This is marketing research - a systematic search, study, collection and analysis of sociological results.
Developing promotion strategies
Promotion strategy is a step-by-step marketing plan of market development and profit increase, limited to a specific period of time.
Launch of new products on the market
Promoting a new product in the marketplace is one of the most exciting, albeit challenging, tasks for marketers. It is almost impossible to predict at the start how effective even the most elaborate advertising strategy will be.
Creating advertising campaigns
Advertising means information about a company, its products and services, which is distributed in order to attract the attention of potential consumers.
Brand audit
The initial stage of developing a new brand, determining positioning or updating a company's branding strategy is a brand audit.
Loyalty programs
One of the strategic goals of large companies is to establish long-term relationships with customers and create a positive attitude towards the brand.
Franchise consulting services
Franchising is a way of doing business based on leasing a trademark and doing business under the name of the leased trademark according to a certain business model.